We are a community of people who are exploring life.

Faith is not conviction of something, against better knowledge. On the contrary, the experience of life, knowledge and logical reflections lead people closer to God every day. It is our experience that people of all cultures seek God and seek fellowship with others who are on the same journey. In the Christian journey of faith, it is called the “church”. And there's always room for one more on that journey...

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Together we are church.

The Christian community breaks down culture, language and social barriers between people and creates a common stand. In our experience, it still works.

OpenChurch is a meeting place for people from very different backgrounds. For us, “church” is a community of people who are exploring life. We believe that there is no better place to discover life than with God, the Creator of life.

That is why we are quite concerned with Jesus Christ.

We believe that

In OpenChurch, we are concerned with the encounter between an almighty God and us ordinary people. It shapes us and the way we think about faith, church and community. Here is a small excerpt of questions we have often been asked. If you want to read more you can see here our presentation of Åbenkirke

This is why we are very concerned with Jesus.

Jesus is the Son of God. Where men have failed, Jesus has reconnected with God. Jesus Himself said “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” When Jesus died and came back to life three days later, he took away the punishment for the mistakes and sins of all men and made it possible for us humans to have close fellowship with God. Jesus thus removed the separation, the sin, between God and man. It's not about what we need to do to get close to God, but about what Jesus has already done. That is why we are very concerned with Jesus.

Who is Jesus?

Jesus Christ is the Son of God. He is equal to the Father, for it was God who, in the guise of a man, dwelt among us. Jesus lived a sinless human life and brought himself as the perfect sacrifice for the sin of all men by dying on the cross. He was raised from the dead after three days and overcame sin and death. He ascended to the glory of Heaven and will return to earth one day to reign as King of Kings and Lord of Lords. See also this.

Is it OK to smoke and drink as a Christian?

According to the apostle John, Jesus' first miracle was that he prayed for a host at a wedding who was in need of more wine. And several hundred liters of water were turned into wine, to the great delight of the partygoers. Now it doesn't say anything about how much Jesus drank, but at least he surrounded himself with people who went to feasts.

Smoking is not mentioned in the Bible, but typically good stewardship of our health would mean that a Christian lifestyle is skeptical of things that are harmful to health and cause disease.

Do I need God?

Man is created in the image of God to reflect Him. Man is God's masterpiece. Although everyone has been given great potential for good, we are all drawn to disobedience to God. The Bible calls it “sin”. This human condition separates us from God, our fellow human beings, and all of creation. It leads to destruction without any adequate self-help option. All of humanity is in need of salvation.

Should I turn my brain off when I get to church?

For us, faith and logic are two good companions. Nothing comes of nothing. Everything comes from something. Faith is a journey into that “something” that the thinking human being has always wondered about. We value the reason God has given us and actively use it in the faith we live out every day.

Service Team

OpenChurch is formed by the more than 300 volunteer employees in Herning, Copenhagen and Ndola. Together we express the faith and fellowship that shape the daily lives of churches. A few staff and management functions are part-time salaried. OpenChurch has several part-time pastors. Feel free to contact us for an interview, or you can meet us at one of the church's meetings, in the office or at church services.