OpenChurch is something we create in
OpenChurch is made up of many people who contribute in different ways, with what they can. We do not have dues payment or access to state church tax funds, but are born by the church's regular volunteer financial contributors. In addition, the church is characterized by a culture of volunteerism, in which the majority of church members are involved as employees in at least one branch of work.
You can also contribute — today!
Become a firm giver
Many support the work of the church financially and you can be a part of that. Giving to the church is a meaningful act of support and community.

Konto nr. 6005 6303 10
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International donations
Become a Sponsor
Join the growing crowd of companies and private companies that sponsor OpenChurch.
Contact us for more information on this.
Vil din virksomhed støtte op om fremtidens kirke og kulturscene i Herning, så overvej hvilken af sponsorpakkerne dit firma vil involvere sig med. Skriv til os på for at høre mere. Dit firmasponsorat kan trækkes fra som firmaudgift.

Do you have any questions?
We have collected some of the questions we are asked most often. If you have any further questions, you are always welcome to contact one of the pastors of the church, or write to
In OpenChurch we do not have a dress code. Here you will find people dressed in everything from t-shirts to shirts and you will probably also meet someone in shorts.
Everyone is welcome at OpenChurch and of course this also applies to you - with or without invitation. Church is not a closed club that requires membership or invitation, but an open community of people. Our Welcome Team is ready to welcome you.
Church is for the whole family and therefore we have a church for all ages. Every Sunday we have Babyfocus for 0-5 year olds, Focus Mini/Maxi for grades 0-5 and FocusTen for grades 6-9.
A church service in OpenChurch lasts 1.5 hours. We start at 10:30 and the service ends at 12:00. However, this does not mean that the “church experience” is over. The community over the church café is at least as important, and you are invited to be a part of it too.
The service takes place in an easy-to-understand language with contemporary music, an everyday preaching and with a focus on the community of faith in Jesus. At a church service, you will also be able to experience church acts such as communion, child blessing or baptism.