Welcome to Worship

We inspire people to experience God and imitate Jesus

We are people just like you

OpenChurch welcomes you, no matter who you are. Our prayer is that you may experience God and find yourself naturally at ease in a church family. Much like OpenChurch. For us, “church” is a community of people who are exploring life. We believe that there is no better place to discover life than with God, the Creator of life.

OC Kids
Ukrainsk bibelstudie
Teen Klubben
Rock Solid
Ukrainsk Børneklub
Focus Teen
OC Kids
Ukrainsk bibelstudie
Teen Klubben
Rock Solid
Ukrainsk Børneklub
Focus Teen

You are welcome to worship

Every Sunday at 10.30 we hold church services where everyone is welcome. Whether you are a churchgoer or just curious about rhythmic and contemporary church.

We do live translation into English for international participants via headsets.

Latest Worship Services
Hver søndag kl. 10:30
Gudstjenester, som du ikke vil hjem fra!
Gudstjeneste er for hele familien og hver søndag kl. 10.30 åbner vi dørene til gudstjeneste på Silkeborgvej 88 i Herning. Gudstjenesten foregår i et letforståeligt sprog med nutidig musik, en relevant forkyndelse og med fokus på fællesskabet om troen på Jesus. Hver søndag er der Babyfocus for de 0-5 årige, Focus Mini/Maxi for 0-5.klasse og Focus Teen for 6-9.klasse. Vi ønsker, at alle vores gudstjenester skal inspirere mennesker til at opleve Gud og efterligne Jesus. Alle gudstjenester oversættes til både engelsk og ukrainsk.
Børn og unge
Børn, teens og unge i Åbenkirke
Om søndagen er der aktiviteter og kirke for børn og teens i alle aldersgrupper. For kirkeliv er en familie-aktivitet, som giver et godt forankret liv for både børn og voksne. I løbet af ugen er der klubber og grupper for alle aldre. Se mere her for at finde ud af hvordan du kan give din familie en god ballast i tilværelsen.
Next Steps
Tag på rejse i troen sammen med andre
Hvad med om 2024 blev året, hvor du inviterede nogle mennesker til at være dine medvandrere og coaches på hvordan et meningsfuldt kristenliv kan formes? Eller er du bare for fortravlet til den slags? Hellere køre premieren på dit liv uden øvning, coaching og sparring? Måske skulle du genoverveje den indstilling? Vi vil invitere dig til at skrive til os på info@aabenkirke.dk eller giv dig til kende her på linket www.aabenkirke.dk/signup for at fyre lidt op under din trosrejse.
Coming up!
Sommercamp i Kolding
SommerCamp i Kolding i uge 28, d. 6.-12. juli - 100års jubilæumsfejring for netværket Apostolsk Kirke i Danmark! Hvert år tager en god flok fra Åbenkirke til Sommercamps ude omkring i sommerlandet. Campen i Kolding er den tilbagevendende bibelcamping for det netværk vi som kirke er en del af. Bestil ferie og tag med på bibelcamping, hygge, kaffe, fællesskab, bibel, forbøn og mere hygge. www.staevne.dk - husk at tilkendegiv, at du skal have camping-plads sammen med Åbenkirke!

Do you have any questions?

We have collected some of the questions we are asked most often. If you have any further questions, you are always welcome to contact one of the pastors of the church, or write to info@aabenkirke.dk.

Is there a dress code in the church?

In OpenChurch we do not have a dress code. Here you will find people dressed in everything from t-shirts to shirts and you will probably also meet someone in shorts.

Is it possible to visit the church without an invitation?

Everyone is welcome at OpenChurch and of course this also applies to you - with or without invitation. Church is not a closed club that requires membership or invitation, but an open community of people. Our Welcome Team is ready to welcome you.

Is there anything for children?

Church is for the whole family and therefore we have a church for all ages. Every Sunday we have Babyfocus for 0-5 year olds, Focus Mini/Maxi for grades 0-5 and FocusTen for grades 6-9.

How long does a church service last?

A church service in OpenChurch lasts 1.5 hours. We start at 10:30 and the service ends at 12:00. However, this does not mean that the “church experience” is over. The community over the church café is at least as important, and you are invited to be a part of it too.

How does a church service take place?

The service takes place in an easy-to-understand language with contemporary music, an everyday preaching and with a focus on the community of faith in Jesus. At a church service, you will also be able to experience church acts such as communion, child blessing or baptism.

OpenChurch — all week

Open church is more than worship services. Get an overview of activities in Åbenkirke here

We do live translation into English for international participants via headsets.